Early childhood is a critical time in the development of a child’s perceptions of self, others, the world and God. Our goal is a whole child development approach through play based intellectual learning, while maintaining a strong spiritual emphasis.
Approach to Learning
God created each child uniquely. TLT allows for the differences in ability and interests while encouraging “well rounded” development in every area of a child’s life. Activities and materials provided for the child are appropriate according to the developmental stage of the child.
We believe children learn best by doing. Children thrive when they can explore and experiment with their surroundings. Play based learning encourages and enables them to understand themselves and others around them. Our program provides a wide range of play experiences; creative art, drama, music, science, language, manipulative toys, sand/water, gross motor and many others. Biblical and seasonal themes will be incorporated into the program. Themes will be balanced between child-oriented and teacher-directed instruction in structured and unstructured environments
Social & Emotional Development
Opportunities are provided that will encourage a child to:
share and take turns
respect rules
practice politeness, thoughtfulness, and cooperation
respect the rights and feelings of others
use self-control, empathy, and compassion
develop meaningful relationships with others
accept guidance and authority
develop a positive self-image
discover and use socially acceptable behavior
gain a feeling of security and trust from consistent routines
Language Development & Communication
Opportunities are provided from the youngest child to transitional kindergarten child:
learning to communicate using pre-language skills
learning to use baby sign language
developing foundations for reading
developing foundations for writing
Spiritual Development
Opportunities will be provided to help each child experience spiritual growth through:
nurturing of loving adults who are Christians
communicating God’s love in verbal ways
seeing something of God’s greatness as the child hears about and sees God’s creations
associating the love of God with the love received from people around him/her
regular exposure to prayer, Bible stories, and verses
participation in weekly chapel time
Cognitive Development
Opportunities will be provided to help foster cognitive growth & an understanding of this world through:
experiences in dramatic play
songs, poems, stories, and role play
a variety of sensory-motor perceptual experiences, emphasizing observation, inquiry, exploration, discrimination, and discovery
activities encouraging creativity and self-expression through painting, drawing and various art mediums
Health and Physical Development
Opportunities will be provided for children to:
develop large muscle control, coordination, and balance
develop a sense of rhythm through movement activities
learn self-help skills to develop independence
learn and practice rules of safety